Posts Tagged ‘financial independence’

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?? Seriously, I ask you. What do you truly want out of this life of yours? What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to be remembered? What impact do you want to have? What adventures would you like experience? Oh my word I could go on with these forever!…

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It Takes A Lot of Grit!

You know what? I just don’t get it! I don’t understand why people have this requirement in our business model that no other business model, job, or profession has. It honestly makes no sense to me and it shouldn’t to you either. In actuality, it makes me pretty angry! If I have to hear one…

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Quit With The Guilt, You Are So Much More

Got Guilt text on white background

Let’s talk Mom Guilt. What the hell is Mom Guilt????  Why doesn’t anyone say, Dad Guilt?  Seriously, I found out pretty much right away that my husband’s phone never rang when the kids were sick at daycare. My husband never ever felt like a total piece of poop if he didn’t work in our kids…

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