S–t Just Works Out For Me
S--t just works out for me.
Have you ever thought that in your life???
Well I hear that most people don’t think that way, but for some reason that's what I have planted into my brain.
Maybe it was a youngest child thing?
Maybe it was something I was born with?
Honestly I don’t know if it was nature vs. nurture?? What I do know is that it has served me well, especially in Network Marketing.
I just do what I’m supposed to do and I don’t waste much time mulling things over in my head.
You see, nothing will kill your progress in life more than overthinking.
Seriously, let’s think about a couple of things.
1. Your past…yeah, that all happened.
The good, the bad, and the ugly! But it happened. Past tense.
Not much you can do about it now, so why are you still thinking about it. Then thinking about it again. Then thinking about it some more.
Holy Hell…it’s time to move on.
Whether someone wronged you or you did something not so great, you decide to learn from it, not let that happen again, and then let it freaking go.
2. Your future…yep, you are going to have one.
You have absolutely no idea what curve balls will be thrown your way. You hear that?
No matter how much you plan, you are going to have some left and right turns. Just expect that and deal with them when they happen.
But what you don’t want to do is spend your days stressing about things that may or may not happen to you.
3. Now let’s get to the fun part, your present!
This is where I want you to live. Life is awesome so get out there and live it!
Wake up every morning and say:
“This is going to be the best day ever!”
Well, why the hell not?
Of course be responsible and all that, but when you live in the present you are actually present.
Being present in the moment is one of the best experiences you can have. Talk about being magnetic!
Man, people who are happy are so crazy great to be around. Am I right?
How does this relate back to your journey within Network Marketing??
Because when you aren’t living in the past, you can at this very moment become the influential person you have always wanted to be.
Your past hasn’t defined you.
You are defining you and you are a bad ass!
Whatever has happened or not happened in your business doesn’t matter.
You’ve learned what works and doesn’t work and you get up today and kill it!
When you aren’t swirling in your head like a crazy person about the future and where you want to be (but maybe aren’t yet), you can actually enjoy the ride to the top.
I see people losing their ever loving minds because they haven’t gotten the promotion they wanted or the income that they thought they would have at a certain time and they get all bitchy and irritable.
They start questioning their skills, their leadership, their team, their company, and even their coaches who want them to succeed more than anything.
Living in the present in your business is so freeing.
- You are working with those that are in your company now.
- You are meeting with new people and helping them get their businesses started.
- You are helping customers get the products that you offer now.
- You see, that is where the magic happens.
In the now is where you will attract the most people to you, which will in turn make your future now even that more exciting.
I encourage you to try it.
When things go awry, just think what would Tory say?
“S--t just works out for me” and then get on with life!