Quit With The Guilt, You Are So Much More

Got Guilt - Tory Brandt

Let’s talk Mom Guilt.

What the hell is Mom Guilt???? 

Why doesn't anyone say, Dad Guilt? 

Seriously, I found out pretty much right away that my husband’s phone never rang when the kids were sick at daycare.

My husband never ever felt like a total piece of poop if he didn’t work in our kids classrooms or help out backstage at their performances.

Nope, he went on his merry way to work every day without one thought in his mind about what the other dad’s thought of his parenting performance or if the kid’s were feeling neglected by him.

He had a job to do.  He was off working to feed his family and put a roof over our heads.  He was proud that he was taking care of us financially and securing our future. 

Well ladies, it’s 2019!!! 

Marriages are partnerships. 

There are two parents in the household.  Most of us are both working or at least capable of both working. 

Sure, you may have one income that can support the household, but

why would you not want to produce more income, more security, more opportunities for your family? 

You are so much more than being the family bitch.  Haha!

Don’t get me wrong.  I love my womanly role in my household of men.  I like doing laundry (yes I said it), feeding my family, running everyone’s errands, and keeping the house tidy. 

But I also love being a bad ass in business! 

  • I like that I have my own power. 
  • I like being respected. 
  • I like feeling like an equal. 
  • I love making my own money and not having to ask my husband for some or explain my purchases. 

Let’s just say it is really nice to have independence in my loving marriage.  So why should I or you feel guilty about that? 

Let’s talk about what our drive, dedication, and accomplishments do for our children instead of what they don’t have because of it.

1 - We are visually showing our kids how to set goals, work hard, and never give up until we achieve them. 

Here is the trick though. You have to bring your family into your world.  They have to know your goals. 

They have to see you roll up your sleeves and get after it. They have to watch you fight to overcome all the obstacles that will come your way. 

And…they have to have something in it for them. 

What are they going to get because they are supporting mom on her quest for greatness? A trip perhaps?  A vacation home?  A bigger home with a better yard? 

In other words, paying off debt just won’t get it in the eyes of children! 

I will tell you this. My kids remember the travel, the adventures, and the stuff. 

They don’t remember that mom missed a game or a school production that's for damn sure!

2 - We are teaching our children to think outside the box! 

I don’t talk to my kids ever about what job they are going to apply for after college. 

Why?  Because we both are teaching them to create a career for themselves. 

They may have to get a job for a bit just to learn the ropes, but they have grown up in an environment of

You make life happen.

You don’t let life happen to you.

They know they can live anywhere they want, work the hours they want, and create the income that they desire by good old fashioned hustle.

Their future life is 100% in their control!

3 - Honestly, my kids are pretty darn proud to have a mom that kicks ass. 

They really are!  Why? 

Because their friends think I’m cool. 

No really they do for some reason.  Honestly I think people young and old admire those that do something big in life and who are willing to take chances.

Are you brave enough to put yourself out there? If so why don’t you be that person? 

Why don’t you pave the way for your children? 

Why don’t you live out your dreams and be the person to inspire everyone around you to live out theirs?

Let me wrap it all up…

Quit with the guilt. 

You are a great mom. 

You just may be more driven than the others who make perfect treats for the bake sale!

I would love to hear your thoughts in COMMENTS.


  1. Kendra Hytinen on January 21, 2019 at 1:36 pm

    Thank you for this! I needed to read this today! Love & Light ??

  2. Charlotte Brandt on January 18, 2019 at 8:47 pm

    You have done a great job Tory balancing your life, and raising resilient independent boys who will know how to be a partner to their spouse.