Getting Paid To Use Your Own Products
Okay, so you use personal care products right???
You wash your hair.
You drink things to wake yourself up in the morning.
You do some kind of regimen to keep your face looking great.
And if you're a chick, you pretty much tell anyone who asks what you use, because we girls love to have conversations about stuff like that.
Yet you have to ask yourself - do any of these companies that I use and recommend to people ever give me some kind of freaking thank you?
Okay, if you are gorgeous, young, and on Instagram a lot they may give you some product once in while, but seriously how realistic is that for your business model?
So here's the thing.
I’m a consultant for Arbonne who I think has some really fantastic products. I mean really…Vegan, Gluten Free, No Animal Testing, No Animal By Products, No Artificial Anything, and I could go on and on. There are over 2,000 not allowed ingredients.
Wow! That's seriously something I can stand behind and endorse. How about you?
Well, you better if you want to be a successful networking consultant.
You see the number one job you have is being an ambassador for your company - a walking, talking billboard of what they offer.
Never in my 14 years in my company have I seen anyone be successful that hasn’t gone 100% all in using the products.
I'll tell you what.
Anyone, anywhere can be talking about a product or asking for recommendations and I can throw out a personal testimony, a recommendation, a makeup color, a nutritional fact whatever…because I actually use the products I sell.
If your company makes them and you use that particular item, you better learn to love it.
Here is my number one network marketing tip to you. Use all the products. I mean ALL of them.
One of the keys to my success is that once I signed on the dotted line to represent Arbonne I never ever bought from another company.
I never put any thought into it again and let me tell you, when people see me, they think Arbonne.
Because my company's products are all I pull out of my purse when I am primping with my girlfriends.
Come on over to my home and you'll find plenty of product placement throughout our house.
I actually open my mouth with confidence when people ask for product recommendations. And because of that, I get ridiculous checks from my company.
They actually pay me to use my own products and they pay me to tell people about their products.
The more you use and the more you recommend and help people get, the more money you make.
It is so freaking simple that I want to shake the crap out of people who refuse to get it.
So do you want to be stubborn and stick with what you have always used, or do you want to make some gangster money?