Don’t Be So Freaking Weird

Okay, let's say you are standing there in a group and you have just met someone for the first time and they ask the dreaded question, “So, what do you do”?
Holy Crap!
What do I say now?
I remember all those trainings that talk about this very subject.
- How do I sound cool?
- How do I sound confident?
- How do I get them to want to do business with me?
- Do I say my other job first or second?
- Nevermind..I just won’t say anything until I know exactly how to say what it is I do.
OMG! This makes me crazy!!!
In the very wise words of my beloved Aaron Rodgers, R-E-L-A-X people!!
When someone asks my dad what he does, he says “I’m a doctor.” My husband, “I’m a Contractor”. My friend, “I’m a teacher”.
So why in the hell do you think you need to explain?
To me when you try to justify what we do in that moment, you look like a freakazoid. They honestly are just making conversation.
If they are interested in digging deeper with you, they will.
Let’s go through two scenarios:
A person approaches you and my dad, “So, what do you both do?"
Doctor Dad: “I’m a doctor."
Network Marketer: “Well, I used to be an accountant, but I found it wouldn’t give me the lifestyle that I desired. So I’ve started my own business with a health and wellness company because I am so passionate about helping people live their best lives. I can build my empire on my terms and at my pace and now I am so excited about my future! What do you do?"
And here, my friends, is where the conversation stalls like a car battery in the middle of a Montana blizzard.
My tip to you is don’t be freaking weird!
My dad confidently answers the question and immediately engages in conversation.
The Network Marketer answered the question but then it immediately got weird because they were trying to do business at the same time.
I will cringe and run for the hills if I’m standing there with you and you pull that.
Here's my advice: say one of the following and just see how it goes?
1. I have an Arbonne Company. What do you do?
2. I own a health and wellness distribution company. What do you do?
3. I’m a health and wellness coach. What do you do?
4. I own a network marketing company. What do you do? - my personal favorite
You will find your groove and hit your stride and people will think you are a cool cat instead of a network marketing crazy person.
You don’t need to explain to anyone - unless of course they want to pick your brain about it, but that's for another blog post!