Networking Tips

No Fear!

No Fear …. Or Should I Say I’m Not Really A Jerk! Okay, so I am writing this during what I feel is a crazy dramatic reaction to a virus. I look around and see all of these people hysterical over something I have zero fear about. I am talking zero fear. I am not…

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What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?? Seriously, I ask you. What do you truly want out of this life of yours? What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to be remembered? What impact do you want to have? What adventures would you like experience? Oh my word I could go on with these forever!…

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Hell Yes!!

Why spend one second on things you can’t control? I mean why would you? You can’t do anything about it, it’s already done. This is the time you brain should go…”Okay what am I to do now”? I talk with people pretty much every day that by the time the conversation is over, I am…

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It Takes A Lot of Grit!

You know what? I just don’t get it! I don’t understand why people have this requirement in our business model that no other business model, job, or profession has. It honestly makes no sense to me and it shouldn’t to you either. In actuality, it makes me pretty angry! If I have to hear one…

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What Is My Part??

I believe it is time for another Bear story, right?  For those of you who are reading my blog for the first time, Bear is my mom.  She has earned this moniker for sure.  Love that lady!  But she sure doesn’t sugar coat anything!  So for those of you who know me and tell me…

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You Know What You Are Really Good At?

  You know what you are really good at?  When you are on the receiving end of that sentence, let me tell you, it feels really, really good! The other day, one of the people I have the pleasure of working with in Arbonne, Jasna, called to thank me for an event that I had…

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Words of Wisdom

I often consider myself extremely wise. But then again, I also often consider myself as a total numb nut. I think we all have two sides. One that gets us ahead in life, and the other that just lets everything go and helps us just have fun! I honestly love both but for this writing…

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Listen To Me Linda!!

Listen To Me Linda! You know, I just don’t get it. I really don’t! You say you want to succeed in your business. You have mentors that are more than willing to help you. They try to help you. Yet you don’t listen. Sometimes you even rebel like a naughty teenager! Why is that I…

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May I Take Your Order??

Welcome to McDonald’s.  May I take your order?? Okay, so I’m going to have to thank Bear aka, my mom, for this one too.  Man this lady taught me so much growing up and I didn’t even know it!  So let me tell you about this one.  This is especially important to those of you…

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Life Lesson #1 From Bear

I remember vividly a very brief conversation with my mom that really opened my eyes to something pretty huge I might say.  Yes, my mom’s name is Bear.  Actually, it is Loretta Rose, but her family called her Boots or Bootsee growing up.  Any of those 3 names sound so sweet?  Right?!? Well, sometimes names…

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